Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Bill O'Reilly Examines the Money Behind OWS

Bill O'Reilly in this Talking Points Memo on 5/22/2012 identifies the money and power behind the Occupy Wall Street movement. O'Reilly identifies long time left wing activist John Cavanagh, Director of the Institute for Policy Studies, which is is funded to the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars by none other than George Soros through the Tides Foundation. Also SEIU, headed by leftist Mary Kay Henry provides free rent to OWS. Warning: viewers may want to stop the video at about 4:15 point before the inane Alan Combes chimes in.

Not mentioned by O'Reilly is Here's a copy of the Occupy Spring training "Trainer's notes" booklet. The long list of radical organizations orchestrating OWS includes Van Jones and Rebuild the Dream, SEIU, AFL-CIO, Tides, New Organizing Institute, Movement Strategy Center, Jobs with Justice, UAW, National Peoples Action, Color of Change, UNITE HERE, Greenpeace, Institute for Policy Studies, PICO (IAF), Working Families Party, Rainforest Action Network, American Federation of Teachers, Leadership Center for the Common Good, UNITY, National Guestworker Alliance, International Brotherhood of the Teamsters, Pushback Network, Progressive Democtrats of America, Change to Win, Global Justice Alliance, Campaign Action Fund, ENGAGE, NDLON, Working Families,, and POWER....just to name a few.

Any the MSM said the TEA Party movement was orchestrated. Amazing.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

"The Tyranny of Clichés: How Liberals Cheat in the War of Ideas"

One of the conservative movement's leading thinkers, Jonah Goldberg, discusses his new book, The Tyranny of Clichés, which exposes and refutes the many silly meme's that liberals use to push their agenda. Also, this is my first exposure to GBTV and it's very impressive.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Obama, the Chronic Liar

Glenn Beck Exposes the many, many, lies of President Obama. You won't see anything like this in the MSM but each time Sarah Palin opens her mouth, there are 100 "fact checkers" from the NY Slimes and the Washington Compost waiting to set the record straight.