Today is
Equal Pay Day, so named by the National Committee for Pay Equity, which represents feminist groups like NOW and the National Council of Women's Organizations. According to Marxist-feminist logic, women have to work through April 12 before they earn what men already earned the year before. Carrie Lukas, Executive Director of the Independent Women's Forum,
debunks this charade in full here. Women actually earn more, but in a sense, that is beside the point.
As is predictable, progressives of all stripes mistakenly attribute the unknown (and often unknowable) reasons for differences in individual and group performances and outcomes to discrimination.
Feminists, like Unions, and the NAACP are an outdated notion. Each may have had had a noble origin, but as Eric Hoffer (The True Believers) said, "Every great cause begins as a movement, becomes a business, and then a racket." Feminisim has been a racket for some time.
In the 70s it was reported that women owned about 60% of the wealth of the country, controlled 90% of the purchasing power and lived 10 years longer than men. And they wanted equality?